Topic: Communication Technology
Source: Facebook
Relation: I applied for a job this week, one of the
questions that I was asked is if I would allow my employer to view my Facebook
Description: While in an interview I was asked if it would be
alright if they viewed my Facebook page. I told them they are more than welcome
just understand my privacy settings are extremely high and I very much doubt
they would be able to see anything on my page. This greatly upset them and they
told me that I might be trying to hide something. I pointed out that I use Facebook
to communicate with my friends, not my future employers. What I did on my own
time on my own Facebook page is no issue of theirs. At the end of the interview I pointed out to
them that it was extremely rude of them to attempt to push me into lowering my
setting so the entire world can know what I’m doing just so they can delve
deeper into my life.
Analysis: While many people consider Facebook to be this
huge thing that everyone needs to be a part of I feel like you shouldn’t allow
your Facebook life to be so open. I’ve seen many times friends post things that
undoubtedly they would not say to a person’s face. I also feel that it is unfair that someone
who is looking to hire me just about demand that I give them access to my
personal life. My personal life is just that, personal.